Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace. Hebrews 13:9

It took me a bit to think of what I wanted to list today... a few days ago, I knew, but by the time I sat down to write, I forgot. Anyways, here it is:

Have you ever stopped to think about the sounds, sights, tastes and smells you enjoy but usually don't pay attention to? Well, I guess if you don't pay attention to them, then you obviously haven't stopped to think about them, huh? LOL But once in awhile, I do.

...the dusty smell of rain, a few minutes before it starts
...a tiny yellow butterfly fluttering by
...the gentle ripple of water over the rocks in a crick
...the taste of fresh picked corn on the cob dripping with butter & salt
...the tantalizing smell of a BBQ in someone's backyard (preferably my own!)
...Hollyhocks and Morning Glories growing up among the Ivy
...the chirping of many songbirds waking up early in the morning
...funnel cakes at fair time
...the smell of a brand new box of crayons that takes me back to my childhood
...the quiet mew and soft fluffyness of a tiny kitten
...big white poofy clouds against a rich bright blue sky
...a big glass of really cold iced tea on a 98° day (or any day!)
...the sound of treefrogs in the evenings accompanied by the twinkling of the fireflies


Anonymous said...

I was very surprised to learn that rain doesn't smell the same in one place as it does another. In Wisconsin it smells green, like grass and mildew. In Montana and Texas it smells of dust.

Bubba said...

Yep...there's a reason that we're told to stop and smell the roses. Pretty easy to miss that stuff if we don't.

Great list. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by. I'm so glad you like my blog.

I found you through the Thursday Thirteen hub.

Always Been Different said...

Great List!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I love your list. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love that list. Really puts the imagination to work. Now I'll have to work on my list of favorites. Maybe that will be my next set of posts!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the smell of BBQ! i'm too lazy to actually cook any, but i appreciate the smell nonetheless. :)