Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm sick and I still feel the need to fix this!

Just a very short post today.... or at least right now. I'm feeling quite horrible, and from what I could tell by googling the symptoms, it's prob'ly viral pneumonia that's causing me to feel this horrible. Not that I'm a doctor or anything... but I do have what said was the symptoms.
Anyways... I got up for a little while today to work on my blog template. I'm still trying to get it to look how I want it to look before I actually go adding a lot of content, and am not having much luck with that. Today I screwed it all up, so I'm pretty much back to square one.... well... square two, because at least I don't have that horrible blue/black background! LOL Maybe when I get feeling better I'll be able to get it to what I want it to be (if I can keep from getting distracted or side-tracked). So... See me when I feel better!!

PS. I find it interesting that today, when I don't have the energy to find a scripture, there is no spot to put a post title.


Our Furry Family

otherwise known as PokeyButton


as a kitten

~~Mr. Man~~



Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

HTML is a world of it's own isn't it?
Love the look!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

I'm such a blonde I see my first comment went under the wrong post! I haven't a clue how that happened

Anyways, Love WebMd it's God sent for sure. Only wish I could keep my hubby off of it, he thinks he has EVERYTHING!

Hope you feel better soon..