I wasn't sick, I wasn't in pain... there was nothing wrong with me................. sound like the post from two weeks ago? LOL That's because it almost is. Yes, I was pregnant... with my firstborn. The story runs quite similar to Jessi's, or rather I should say hers is similar to his, because he was born two years before her, minus the two weeks.
They induced labor around 9 am, and much like the second delivery, after two epidurals, the first of which numbed me from my toes to my chest, and the second of which din't work at all... at 4:19pm, an adorable little baby boy (well, if 8 lbs 6 oz can be considered little) was born to the Pierce family! Our firstborn son. We named him Timothy Andrew Pierce. Timothy, because I had said years before that I would name my first son after my favorite cousin. And again, I was told that when you name a son, his names should mean strong and wise. One meaning of Andrew is strong, but aside from naming him Quinn or Quinton, or some other odd name, I couln't find a name that meant wise... except Drew, and somehow I just don't think that would work with Andrew! LOL So we decided to name him Andrew, and call him Drew, so as to get both meanings in there.
So fast forward 14 years...
We din't do a whole lot today, but we focused the day around Drew. We went with my parents to Hong Kong Buffet for lunch, to celebrate both of their birthdays, then to Walmart to walk around some til our meal settled a bit, and to get him a remote controlled car (mo' confo' cow, as my nephew called it when he was little), then we went back to mom & dad's to have the cake & ice cream.
It's amazing how different two kids can be!
Drew is the total opposite of Jessi in about every way imaginable. She's quiet, he's hyper. She likes music, he don't care one way or another about it most of the time. He likes video games, she don't care one way or another about them most of the time. She has to be careful about how much she eats, he has a bottomless pit and don't gain a pound. She's short... hopefully will at least get to 5' by the time she's full height, he's tall... prob'ly will be well over 6' by the time he's full height. He is a whiz at math and reading, she struggles with them a lot. She looks like her dad, he looks like me. She (usually) obeys immediately, he tries to see how many ways he can get around obeying. He likes technological stuff... anything PC or game console, etc. She's totally content with a notebook... or 10 or 20, and a pen or pencil to write or draw. He's a typical messy boy, she likes to keep her room neat. She likes to snuggle & cuddle, he likes to romp & wrestle. I could go on and on... but what it all comes down to, is the fact that I love them both with all my heart and am so thankful that they are ours!!

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