Twelve years ago this morning, I went in the hospital.
I wasn't sick, I wasn't in pain... there was nothing wrong with me......... except that I was tired of being pregnant and wanted that baby OUT!!! So Dr. Hedges Ok'd it (on the grounds that it was getting really hard for me to sleep) and I went in for them to induce labor. This all started I think around 9am, and after 2 epidurals, the first of which din't work, and the second of which kicked in at precisely the right moment and to the right degree, and at 4:55pm, a beautiful little baby girl (well, if 8 lbs 4 oz can be considered little) was born to the Pierce family! We named her Jessica Shannon Rose Pierce. Jessica, because I had promised a young friend of mine when I got married the first time that I would name my first daughter after her. Shannon and Rose..... I was told that when you name a daughter, her names should mean wise and beautiful. Shannon means small but wise, and of course, a rose is beautiful! I had to wonder though... whether I had done the wrong thing by naming her Shannon. Maybe I should've found a name that only meant wise instead of small also! By the time she was 1 year old, she was still in her size 0 newborn shoes and step 1 diapers! And a year or so later, when most kids are in step 5 diapers, I was potty training her out of her step 2s! Do you realize how hard it is to find panties for a little girl that tiny?? I had to find the little diaper cover rhumba panties in 9-12 months! LOL
So fast forward 12 years...
This morning Jessi and I got up early and went to a Christian seminar in a small local church where our friend Wendy was scheduled to speak. It was kinda long, (like 5 hours long, which would have been nothing if we were at Mansfield) but when Wendy got up there to speak, it was awesome! I video recorded it with my camera (in several 7 minute or so segments) til the battery went dead, so maybe if I get myself in gear, I might get them uploaded to YouTube.
After that was over, we went back and picked up Dave and Drew and went to Cici's Pizza place, then to Walmart to get her a cake and some ice cream, and to walk around a little bit, then back home. Dave started feeling miserable last night, and only felt worse today, but he really was a trooper, putting himself through much more than he should have, being sick like that, just so he wouln't ruin our date on Friday night or Jessie's birthday today. I'm not sure exactly what he has, but it's down in his chest and he's running a low-grade fever. He said it felt like pneumonia. I REALLY hope not!! I'm not feeling so good either.. I have the beginnings of a chest cold coming on. Blech!
Now... as for my plans for this blog. I plan to get in the habit of writing in it first! After that has become habit, then I plan to add other things. Some graphics to pretty it up (definitely gotta fix that stupid header image!), maybe some scrapbooking or other freebies once in a while, some music, whatever else I can find to make it cool!
Ok... the Nyquil is starting to kick in, the fibromyalgia is causing some pain, along with being on my feet in heeled cute-boots too long today, and it's 2am. I'm going to bed!

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