1. I was born on 6/7/67
2. I was reborn on August 19th 2001
3. I am proud to be a Christian
4. I am God’s favorite kid *grin*
5. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
6. I am fully blessed and highly favored
7. I’ve been married to Dave for 18 years, come this August
8. I have a son named Drew who is 14
9. I have a daughter named Jessi who is 12
10. I have a daughter in Heaven named Katie who would be 16 now, had she lived
11. I had a miscarriage on my birthday in 1991
12. I am left handed (and proud of it!)
13. My absolute favorite color is bright yellow
14. On average, I drank a gallon of iced tea every day for about 14 years or more
15. I am a stay-at-home-mom
16. My kids are in Christian school this year
17. I love PSP!
18. I do computer crafting
19. I am a graphics designer and pixel artist
20. My favorite author is Karen Kingsbury
21. I used to have a real turtle in my house
22. I have had prob’ly over 150 cats in my life time.. just not all at once! LOL
23. I have one black & white cat, Mr. Man... and a tiger striped cat named Squirt
24. I have two dogs… a Yorkie, and a Shepherd/Chow Mix
25. My dogs’ names are Maddie and Buddy, respectively
26. I also claim 'shared parenting' of another Yorkie, Lexi (who really belongs to my niece)
27. I’m totally a country girl at heart
28. My favorite spot in the world was a little crick with spearmint growing along it and a railroad tie across it
29. I love scented candles
30. My Favorite flower for scent is the Lilac
31. My favorite flower for beauty is the Morning Glory
32. My favorite flower for color is a yellow Rose
33. I used to design cross-stitch
34. I rarely ever wear make-up
35. My favorite scent is SweetPea
36. I love Melaleuca products
37. I’m a pack-rat
38. I once ran a steak knife into my foot while trying to rescue a lost baby bunny (long story!)
39. I had brown eyes that turned bright green when I got in a tire swing as a kid (long story!)
40. As a child, I used to get pneumonia twice yearly
41. I fell out of my highchair when I was 2 and broke my collarbone
42. I have a craft room that is full of supplies and I cain’t get it organized
43. I love Praise & Worship music and Southern Gospel music
44. My favorite preachers are Juanita Bynum, Paula White, TD Jakes, and Eddie Long
45. My first memory is of standing in my crib drinking strawberry milk in my bottle
46. I have dark brown hair
47. My hair was never cut until I was 18.... it was long enough to sit on
48. I lived in the country until I was 18
49. I have lived in Cincinnati, Oh, Toledo, Oh, Monroe Mi, and several smaller towns
50. I want to move back to the country so bad I can almost taste it! EDIT: Thank You Jesus!! WE MOVED TO THE COUNTRY!!!!!
51. My best friend (besides Jesus and my daughter Jessie) is Marfa from Florida
52. I want to learn to speak Spanish.... but not the tourist kind LOL
53. I learned how to type by using instant messengers
54. I used to have my own 'PSP help" chat room on a Christian chat server
55. I have met some awesome friends online
56. I have met 11 online friends in person
57. I am a very visual person
58. I am a type B personality
59. My two favorite artists are Jim Daly and Joan Walsh Anglund
60. I do scrapbooking.... Regular and digital
61. My favorite passage of Scripture is Psalm 139
62. My favorite verses are Psalm 139:17-18
63. I love playing the Sims and Sims 2
64. I left part of my heart in Haiti when I went there on a mission trip
65. I have been to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side
66. I loved Canada when I went there for a weekend trip (Sooz made it a very fun trip!)
67. Someday, I would like to visit Ireland, Switzerland, and the Holy Land
68. I LOVE flute music
69. Sometimes I prefer to pray on paper (or in a word pad file)
70. I love to read
71. I won a trophy in high school for reading 1800 words per minute with 90% comprehension
72. My favorite book is the Bible
73. I am a doll collector.... With a preference for the very realistic looking newborns
74. I love eating sunflower seeds, but I hate sunflowers
75. I made almost all the ornaments for my Christmas tree
76. My favorite season is... umm... anything but fall! LOL
77. I love snow!
78. I actually like broccoli and cauliflour
79. When I was pregnant with Katie, I craved Pringles chips and cheddar cheese dip
80. I have a 1 inch scar on my hand to remind me that I was 1 inch away from dying and going to hell (long story!)
81. I witnessed an accident where a pedestrian was hit and killed
82. My hubby and I were mobile home park managers at one time
83. I don't usually watch a movie or read a book more than once until I have forgotten most of it
84. I hate brown unless it's on chocolate, wood, hair, or teddy bears
85. There are 3 things that will make me see red... saying God is female, talking bad about my church or pastor, and racism
86. My favorite card game is Hand & Foot
87. My favorite board game is Personal Preference
88. I still like to color in coloring books
89. My favorite sport is gymnastics or professional ice skating
90. My second favorite sport is baseball
91. I took piano lessons for two years from two different piano teachers and never got out of the first book
92. I went to public school for K-6 and a Christian school for 7th through 12th
93. I am html illiterate (but I'm learning it by doing this blog!!)
94. I have never been able to do a cartwheel
95. My family tree includes an Indian princess who was married to Chief John Killbuck
96. My mother almost named me Glendora June, Holly Christine, or Beth Anne
97. I still have my first doll
98. I am fascinated by the Amish
99. I am on the computer more often than not
100. My favorite TV shows are Touched By An Angel, 7th Heaven, and any of the CSIs
101. My favorite movies are "The King And I" (or any of its remakes) and "One Night With The King"