Saturday, September 6, 2008

Quilt Update

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8

Well the quilt is coming along great. I have gotten all the blocks cut and sewed into strips, and 4 of the strips sewed together. I'm really happy with how well it's turning out. I figured that when I sewed the strips together, the corners would be all wonky, but on the contrary, my corners are all eith perfectly matched or else no more than 1/16 of an inch off. I have decided that now that I'm looking at it together, I'm not as happy with the fabrics I used. It's beautiful, but the colors are all blending in together. The rail block are almost the same value as the tulip blocks, with the contrast only in the difference of the print size. But oh well! LOL I still like it and am proud of it for being my first quilt ever!

I decided though, that I wanted to post a bunch of links to some quilt sites I have come across that I like... most with either lots of block patterns or else great how-tos. So here goes!

Quiltville - my favorite quilting site! Look at all the links down the left side

Ideas For Quilting - main page

Ideas For Quilting - Quilt block patterns

Warm Wishes Quilt - This is the one I'm making, only in pastels

Sew A Quilt - Great place for a beginner to start

Free Quilt - links to hundreds of quilt patterns

UFO-rphanage For Quilters - for all those UnFinishedObjects

Denver Fabrics - Wahing information for quilters

Quilter's Cache - a wealth of how-to information

Quilter's Cache patterns - almost anything you could imagine


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the finished quilt!!

Melanie said...

I would LOVE to learn how to quilt! I also am looking forward to seeing the finished product!!